Category: Case Study

Pirya’s improved quality of life

Building trust is crucial to establishing a long-term relationship with service users who are struggling to cope with the world around them.

When Nupath Care was invited to offer care to Priya, she was in a confused, angry place where she didn’t trust anybody. She had been damaged by an arranged, abusive mar- riage. She had given birth to children who were taken away from her to be cared for by others.

The Muslim community into which she had been born was no longer the supportive environment she had once known.

For many years Priya was in and out of psychiatric wards and suffered several failed placements. She was living with a mild learning disability but was also suffering from schi- zoaffective disorder symptoms, which included mood and behavioural problems.

When Nupath Care began to work with Priya she had just been transferred from a hospital setting to a supported living unit. This was her first taste of semi -independent living for several years and she found it very daunting.

In those early months she would often lash out verbally and physically when she was finding it difficult to cope with an everyday situation.

Trained staff at Nupath Care understood her condition and anxieties and worked closely and patiently to build a strong relationship with Priya. Over time she managed to cope better, learning new and old skills.

Carers supported her to become confident and capable in money management, washing, cooking, cleaning and shopping. Priya once again re-engaged with the Muslim community going to supermarkets and halal butchers that were important to her.

Her mother died during this time and initially her primary carer was the only person she allowed to accompany her to the cemetery to visit the grave.

Overtime, Priya developed greater confidence and social skills, becoming better able to manage her behavioural problems. Today, she takes great pride in looking after her flat, meeting some friends and socialising.

She now enjoys a much-improved quality of life.

Simon fulfilling a dream

Simon was a young man struggling with mental health issues along with a mild learn- ing disability. He was overweight, loud and spoke with a slight stammer – all of which were factors to him being targeted and bullied.

He came from a troubled family – where his mother also suffered with mental health issues and his father was abusive.

The death of his parents led to Simon going into residential care where his physical needs were met but his emotional needs were not. He was still being bullied and victimised.

His natural response was to become aggressive, non-compliant and difficult to manage.

Everyone realised he needed his own home and a safer environment where he could feel valued, settled and be able to follow his two favourite pass-times, Manchester United and snooker.

Finally, an opportunity arose for Simon to be housed in a supported living environment for people with learning disabilities. This is when Nupath Care became involved.

Once Simon moved into this safter environment, something more like a proper home, with the support of trained staff, providing consistency and continuity of care, he was able to move forward with his life, gaining skills and confidence.

Staff supporting him with all aspects of daily living enabled him to do his own shopping, plan and cook his own meals, maintain his home and access the community to engage with activities and his interests.

This was never straightforward or an easy task. Simon still suffered from mood swings due to his bi-polar disorder, low motivation and often his lack of skills in trying to be independent.

However, patience, consistency and training enabled the Nupath Care team to work positively with Simon, reassuring and praising him for completing tasks. His confidence and news skills continued to build. His behavioural problems became less frequent.

Holidays with friends and staff were no longer an aspiration and became a reality.

And a real milestone was reached when Simon went to Sheffield to watch snooker at the Crucible.

He continues to develop and achieve his goals.

Sandra loving her new home

Our staff have played an active and important role in the life of Sandra – ensuring she enjoys as fulfilling and independent a life as possible.

We have been supporting her since 2003 when she was still living with her mother and father in Northumberland.

Sandra suffers from Smith-Magenis Syndrome, a disorder that has many conditions in-

cluding mental disability, language and behavioural problems, and in the case of Sandra increasing mobility issues.

The Nupath Care team recognised her capabilities and have successfully worked with Sandra to boost her independence, engage with others, and take part in the community.

Staff worked with Sandra and her parents to develop a person-centred plan that would both support and challenge her, pushing the boundaries to develop and maintain her skills and confidence.

For many years she attended a day centre in Alnwick three days a week, also taking part in arts and crafts activities at another local community centre.

In addition, Sandra enjoyed working at a charity shop in Alnwick where she got on well with the manager who later left to join Nupath Care, becoming part of the specialist team working with her.

Our staff have liaised closely with the family to arrange days-out and weekends away to create activities and memorable trips for Sandra while also providing respite care for her family.

Trips away became increasingly difficult for Sandra and after consultation with her family the decision was taken to provide 24-hour supported living.

At the outset of the pandemic, Sandra’s mobility deteriorated but with the support of the local authority, care organisations and the specialist team at Nupath Care a bungalow became available for her. This was welcome news for Sandra, her live-in carers and her mother who only lived streets away.

Our fabulous care team helped organised the move and now Sandra is living comfortably in a home that she is always proud to show visitors.

She is a very proud homeowner.